Document viewer capable of displaying formats like PDF and Postscript
Version 4.2.3_2
aarch64-glibc - aarch64-musl - armv6l-glibc - armv6l-musl - armv7l-glibc - armv7l-musl - i686-glibc - x86_64-glibc - x86_64-muslDetails
- Homepage:
- https://github.com/linuxmint/xreader
- License:
- GPL-2.0-or-later
- Maintainer:
- Orphaned
- Built at:
- 2024-12-13 07:06 - 2024-12-13 09:11
- Build options:
- gir
- Source files:
- https://github.com/linuxmint/xreader/archive/4.2.3.tar.gz
- Installed size:
- 3.29 MiB - 3.72 MiB
- Popularity:
- No usages in 97 reports
- Depending on:
- atk>=1.26.0_1
- cairo>=1.8.6_1
- desktop-file-utils
- gdk-pixbuf>=2.22.0_1
- glib>=2.80.0_1
- glibc>=2.39_1
- gtk+3>=3.0.0_1
- hicolor-icon-theme
- libICE>=1.0.5_1
- libSM>=1.1.0_1
- libX11>=1.2_1
- libgcc>=4.4.0_1
- libgxps>=0.2.0_1
- libspectre>=0.2.6_1
- libxml2>=2.7.0_1
- libxreader-4.2.3_2
- mathjax2
- musl>=1.1.24_7
- poppler-glib>=0.18.2_1
- tiff>=4.5.0_1
- xapps>=1.0.2_1
- zlib>=1.2.3_1