KDE Integration of QML and KDE work spaces (32bit)
Version 5.116.0_1
- Homepage:
- https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kdeclarative
- License:
- LGPL-2.0-or-later, LGPL-2.1-or-later
- Maintainer:
- John
- Repository:
- void-repo-multilib
- Built at:
- 2024-09-25 18:45
- Installed size:
- 752.38 KiB
- Popularity:
- No usages in 107 reports
- Provided shlibs:
- libKF5CalendarEvents.so.5
- libKF5Declarative.so.5
- libKF5QuickAddons.so.5
- Depending on:
- glibc-32bit>=2.39_1
- kconfig-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kcoreaddons-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kglobalaccel-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kguiaddons-32bit>=5.6.0_1
- ki18n-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kiconthemes-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kio-32bit>=5.36.0_1
- knotifications-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kpackage-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kservice-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kwidgetsaddons-32bit>=5.26.0_1
- kwindowsystem-32bit>=5.6.0_1
- libepoxy-32bit>=1.2_1
- libstdc++-32bit>=4.4.0_1
- qt5-core-32bit>=5.15.2_3
- qt5-declarative-32bit>=5.15.2_3
- qt5-gui-32bit>=5.15.2_3
- qt5-network-32bit>=5.15.2_3
- qt5-widgets-32bit>=5.15.2_3