Highlighting and replacement of misspelled words - development files
Version 3.0.10_3
aarch64-glibc - aarch64-musl - armv6l-glibc - armv6l-musl - armv7l-glibc - armv7l-musl - i686-glibc - x86_64-glibc - x86_64-muslDetails
- Homepage:
- License:
- GPL-2.0-or-later
- Maintainer:
- beefcurtains
- Built at:
- 2019-04-28 03:20 - 2019-04-29 22:20
- Build options:
- gir vala
- Installed size:
- 62.33 KiB - 82.39 KiB
- Popularity:
- No usages in 107 reports
- Depending on:
- enchant2-devel
- gtkspell3>=3.0.10_3