XFCE panel plugin to show temperature and weather
Build for armv6l-glibc, version 0.11.3_1. Builds for all architectures.
- Homepage:
- https://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin
- License:
- GPL-2.0-or-later
- Maintainer:
- Orphaned
- Built at:
- 2024-12-19 16:57
- Source files:
- https://archive.xfce.org/src/panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin/0.11/xfce4-weather-plugin-0.11.3.tar.bz2
- Installed size:
- 4.47 MiB
- Popularity:
- 1 usage in 107 reports
- Depending on:
- atk>=1.26.0_1
- cairo>=1.8.6_1
- gdk-pixbuf>=2.22.0_1
- glib>=2.80.0_1
- glibc>=2.39_1
- gtk+3>=3.0.0_1
- hicolor-icon-theme
- json-c>=0.14.0_1
- libharfbuzz>=5.1.0_1
- libsoup3>=3.0.0_1
- libupower-glib3>=0.99.3_1
- libxfce4panel>=4.20.0_1
- libxfce4ui>=4.20.0_1
- libxfce4util>=4.20.0_1
- libxml2>=2.7.0_1
- pango>=1.24.0_1
- xfconf>=4.13.7_1
- zlib>=1.2.3_1